5000 Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 305
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
last adj. He ate the last piece of chicken. final one
adv. He ran hard but came in last. rearmost
verb It must last until Friday. keep
late adj. We saw the late show on TV. advanced hour
adj. She turned in a late paper. overdue
adj. We met the late Mr. Jones last year. dead
adv. You are late. tardy
lately adv. Lately I have had a cold. recently
Latin adj. Latin is a dead language. old Roman
latitude noun We allow him some latitude. leeway
latter adj. The latter speech was better. latest
noun You get the former and I the latter. final one
laugh noun His laugh was heard by everyone. chuckle
verb We laughed until our sides hurt. cackled