5000 Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 316
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
likely adj. That is a likely excuse. plausible
adv. We shall likely go soon. probably
likeness noun It is a likeness of the President. facsimile
likewise adv. Go and you do likewise. the same
lily noun A lily is a beautiful white flower. type of flower
limb noun A limb fell off the tree. branch
noun He broke two of his limbs. arms or legs
lime noun They put some lime in his drink. type of fruit
limit noun There is a limit to my patience. boundary
verb We will limit you to six bottles. restrict
limitation noun There is a limitation of $50 per man. restriction
limited adj. There are a limited number of copies. fixed
limp noun The flag was limp on the flagpole. drooping