5000 Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 592
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
those adj. It is those people who are the problem. plural of that
though conj. I will go, though I don't want to. despite the fact
adv. We will go, though not soon. nevertheless
thought noun His thought was to buy it now. idea
noun We gave no thought to her ideas. consideration
thoughtful adj. He was a thoughtful young man. considerate
adj. She was in a thoughtful mood. contemplative
thoughtless adj. She was a thoughtless young girl. impolite
adj. It was a thoughtless act. senseless
thousand adj. There were a thousand people here. 1000
thrash verb He thrashed the robber. beat
thread noun She used needle and thread to mend it. thin line
verb We threaded our way through the crowd. weaved