6001 - 7000 Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 16 |
Word | Type | Used in a Sentence | Synonym |
cardinal | noun | The school's colors were cardinal and yellow. | red color |
noun | Feeding on the seeds was a pretty Northern Cardinal. | a red bird | |
noun | He held the title of Cardinal in New York. | high Catholic official | |
cashier | noun | We paid for our dinner to a cashier. | employee that handles money |
cataract | noun | Several beautiful cataracts can be seen in that park. | high waterfall |
noun | They operated on her for her cataract. | eye disease | |
catastrophe | noun | The collapse created a catastrophe for the people. | great sudden calamity |
cavalier | adj. | The young man was somewhat of a cavalier. | gallant or chivalrous man |
cavalry | noun | The cavalry began their attack on the enemy. | troops on horseback |
celery | noun | We love to chew on crisp celery. | edible green vegetable |