Some Confusing English Words - Page 9
    81. chute, shoot
  1. Chute - a slide
  2. Shoot - to fire
    82. cite, site, sight
  1. Cite - to quote; to summon
  2. Site - a location or a place
  3. Sight - vision; a view
    83. command, commend
  1. Command - an order
  2. Commend - to praise; to entrust
    84. climatic, climactic
  1. Climatic - referring to climate
  2. Climactic - referring to a climax
    85. clothes, cloths, close
  1. Clothes - garments
  2. Cloths - fabrics
  3. Close - the end; to shut
    86. coarse, course
  1. Coarse - something that is rough
  2. Course - a class; direction; an action; part of a meal
    87. collision, collusion
  1. Collision - a clashing
  2. Collusion - a scheme to defraud
    88. coma, comma
  1. Coma - an unconscious state
  2. Comma - a punctuation mark
    89. click, clique, cliché
  1. Click - a slight, sharp noise
  2. Clique - an exclusive group
  3. Cliché - a trifling phrase
    90. commence, comments
  1. Commence - to begin
  2. Comments - remarks