Some Confusing English Words - Page 10
    91. complement, compliment
  1. Complement - to make something complete
  2. Compliment - to give praise
    92. comprehensible, comprehensive
  1. Comprehensible - understanding
  2. Comprehensive - extensive
    93. confidant, confident
  1. Confidant - a friend; an adviser
  2. Confident - sure; positive
    94. confidently, confidentially
  1. Confidently - certainly; positively
  2. Confidentially - privately
    95. consular, councillor, counselor
  1. Consular - of a consul
  2. Councillor - a member of a council
  3. Counselor - one who advises
    96. conservation, conversation
  1. Conservation - preservation
  2. Conversation - a talk
    97. consul, council, counsel
  1. Consul - a foreign representative
  2. Council - an assembly
  3. Counsel - an attorney; advice
    98. cooperation, corporation
  1. Cooperation - working together
  2. Corporation - a form of business organization
    99. continual, continuous
  1. Continual - occurring steadily but with occasional breaks
  2. Continuous - uninterrupted; unbroken
    100. conscience, conscious
  1. Conscience - the sense of right and wrong
  2. Conscious - cognizant; sensible; aware