Some Confusing English Words - Page 27
    261. pair, pare, pear
  1. Pair - two of a kind
  2. Pare - to peel
  3. Pear - a fruit
    262. parameter, perimeter
  1. Parameter - a quantity with an assigned value; a constant
  2. Perimeter - the outer boundary
    263. partition, petition
  1. Partition - division
  2. Petition - prayer; a formal written request
    264. partly, partially
  1. Partly - in part
  2. Partially - to some degree
    265. past, passed
  1. Past - time gone by; gone by
  2. Passed - moved along; transferred
    266. patience, patients
  1. Patience - composure; endurance
  2. Patients - sick persons
    267. peace, piece
  1. Peace - calmness
  2. Piece - a portion
    268. peak, peek, pique
  1. Peak - the top
  2. Peek - to look slyly at
  3. Pique - resentment; to offend; to arouse
    269. peal, peel
  1. Peal - to ring out
  2. Peel - the rind; to strip off
    270. pedal, peddle
  1. Pedal - pertaining to the foot; a treadle
  2. Peddle - to hawk, to sell