271. peer, pier
Peer - one of equal rank or age; to look steadily
Pier - a wharf
272. perfect, prefect
Perfect - without fault
Prefect - an official
273. perpetrate, perpetuate
Perpetrate - to be guilty of
Perpetuate - to cause to continue indefinitely
274. perquisite, prerequisite
Perquisite - privilege
Prerequisite - a preliminary requirement
275. persecute. prosecute
Persecute - to oppress or bully
Prosecute - to sue
276. personal, personnel
Personal - private
Personnel - the staff
277. perspective, prospective
Perspective - a view in correct proportion
Prospective - anticipated
278. peruse, pursue
Peruse - to read
Pursue - to chase
279. physic, physique, psychic
Physic - a medicine
Physique - bodily structure
Psychic - pertaining to the mind or spirit; a medium
280. physical, fiscal, psychical
Physical - relating to the body
Fiscal - pertaining to finance
Psychical - mental