301. propose, purpose
Propose - to suggest
Purpose - an intention
302. quiet, quite, quit
Quiet - calm; not noisy
Quite - entirely; wholly
Quit - to stop
303. rain, rein, reign
Rain - falling water
Rein - part of a bridle; a curb
Reign - the term of a ruler's power; to rule
304. read, reed
Read - to perform the act of reading
Reed - a plant; a musical instrument
305. rap, wrap
Rap - to knock
Wrap - a garment; to enclose
306. raise, raze, rays
Raise - to lift something
Raze - to destroy
Rays - beams
307. real, reel
Real - actual
Reel - a spool, a dance; to whirl
308. reality, realty
Reality - actuality
Realty - real estate
309. recent, resent
Recent - relating to a time not long past
Resent - to feel hurt by
310. reference, reverence
Reference - that which refers to something
Reverence - profound respect