311. residence, residents
Residence - a house
Residents - persons who reside in a place
312. respectably, respectfully, respectively
Respectably - in a manner worthy of respect
Respectfully - in a courteous manner
Respectively - in the order indicated
313. right, rite, wright, write
Right - correct; a privilege
Rite - a ceremony
Wright - a worker; a maker i.e shipwright
Write - to inscribe
314. role, roll
Role - a part in a play
Roll - a list; a type of bread; to revolve
315. rote, wrote
Rote - repetition
Wrote - did write
316. root, route, en route, rout
Root - underground part of a plant; to implant firmly
Route - established course of travel; to send by a certain way
En route - on or along way
Rout - confused flight; to defeat
317. sail, sale
Sail- part of a ship's rigging; to travel by water
Sale - the act of selling
318. scene, seen
Scene - a setting; an exhibition of strong feeling
Seen - past participle of to see
319. scent, sent, cent, sense
Scent - odor
Sent - did send
Cent - penny
sense - meaning
320. seam, seem
Seam - a line of junction
Seem - to appear