Clear English - Stops and Continuants - Page 4
F. Listen to these questions. Then practice saying the questions and their answers.
1. Do you like soup?
2. Do you like Sue?
3. What are you watching?
4. What are you washing?
5. What does fine mean?
6. What's a pine?
7. What does thought mean?
8. What does taught mean?
9. What is the date?
10. What is the rate?
1. Only tomato soup.
2. yes, she's nice.
3. A movie.
4. The dishes.
5. Something like good.
6. A type of tree.
7. The past tense of think.
8. The past tense of teach.
9. June first.
10. Twenty percent.
11. What's a ram?
12. What's a dam?
13. Is it dead?
14. Is it red?
15. What is a ship?
16. What is a chip?
17. Where's the vote?
18. Where's the boat?
19. What's a van?
20. What's a ban?
11. A male sheep.
12. A wall to hold water.
13. No, it's alive.
14. No, it's orange.
15. A water vehicle.
16. A small piece.
17. On the paper.
18. On the water.
19. A small bus.
20. A prohibition.
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