Clear English - Stops and Continuants - Page 5
G. Which of the following words end with a continuant sound? Practice sayng both groups. H. Practice contrasting the consonants p/b, ch/sh, t/th, and b/v in the following pairs of words.
1. have
2. teethe
3. eyes
4. half
5. teeth
6. ice
7. cab
8. made
9. bag
10. cap
11. mate
12. back
13. wife
14. both
15. bath -
16. loathe
17. rove
19. wipe
20. boat
21. bat
22. load
23. robe
24. live
1. What's a bill?
2. What's a pill?
3. Where's the path?
4. Where's the bath?
5. Is it gold?
6. Is it cold?
7. Do you have the time?
8. Do you have a dime?
9. What's a girl?
10. What's a curl?
1. It's paper money.
2. It's medicine
3. It's over the hills.
4. It's in the bathroom.
5. No, it's silver.
6. No, it's hot.
7. Yes, it's 2 o'clock.
8. No, i'm broke.
9. It's a young woman.
10. It's a twist of hair.
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