List of 426 Sets of Synonyms - How they Differ - Total of 2307 Words - 345

SYNONYMS: see, behold, note, notice, observe, contemplate, survey, view, perceive, discern, remark.
These verbs refer to being or becoming visually or mentally aware of something.

See, the most general, can mean merely to use the faculty of sight but more often implies recognition, understanding, or appreciation: I have seen the coming of the Lord.
Behold more strongly implies awareness of what is seen: My heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow in the sky.
Note and notice suggest close observation and a rather detailed visual or mental impression; note in particular implies careful, systematic recording in the mind: Be careful to note where the road turns left. I have noted and overridden your protests. She didn't notice the run in her stocking until she had arrived at the office. I notice that you're out of sorts.
Observe emphasizes careful, closely directed attention: I saw the pots red-hot and observed that they did not crack at all.
Contemplate implies looking attentively and thoughtfully: It is interesting to contemplate an land, clothed with many plants of many kinds, with birds singing on the bushes.
Survey stresses detailed, often comprehensive examination: She idly surveyed her estate.
View usually suggests examination with a particular purpose in mind or in a special way: The medical examiner viewed the victim's body.
Perceive and discern both imply not only visual recognition but also mental comprehension; perceive is especially associated with insight, and discern, with the ability to distinguish, discriminate, and make judgments: We perceived a little girl coming towards us. I plainly perceive [that] some objections remain. Even with a magnifying glass I couldn't discern any imperfections in the porcelain. Many in the audience lack the background and taste to discern a good performance of the sonata from a bad one.
Remark suggests close attention and often an evaluation of what is noticed: Their assemblies afforded me daily opportunities of remarking characters and manners.

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