Evaluation of Subtle Differences of 426 Selected Sets of Synonyms -- A Total of 2307 Synonym Words - Page 29
This is a list of some selected words and how their synonyms differ in their meaning.
  1. rural, rustic, pastoral. These adjectives all mean of or typical of the country as distinguished from the city.
  2. , melancholy, sorrowful, doleful, woebegone, desolate. These adjectives all mean affected with or marked by unhappiness, as that caused by affliction.
  3. sarcastic, ironic, caustic, satirical, sardonic. These adjectives mean having or marked by a feeling of bitterness and a biting or cutting quality.
  4. save, rescue, reclaim, redeem, deliver. These verbs are compared in the sense of freeing a person or thing from danger, evil, confinement, or servitude.
  5. saying, maxim, adage, saw, motto, epigram, proverb, aphorism. These nouns refer to concise verbal expressions setting forth wisdom or a truth.
  6. scatter, disperse, dissipate, dispel. These verbs are compared as they mean to cause a mass or an aggregate to separate and go in different directions.
  7. scream, shriek, screech. These verbs mean to make or give voice to a loud, piercing sound.
  8. secret, stealthy, clandestine, furtive, surreptitious, underhand. These adjectives apply to what is purposely concealed from view or knowledge.
  9. see, behold, note, notice, observe, contemplate, survey, view, perceive, discern, remark. These verbs refer to being or becoming visually or mentally aware of something.
  10. sensuous, sensual, luxurious, epicurean. These adjectives mean of, given to, or furnishing satisfaction of the senses.
  11. separate, divide, part, sever, sunder, divorce. These verbs are compared as they mean to become or cause to become parted, disconnected, or disunited.
  12. series, succession, progression, sequence, chain, train, string. These nouns denote a number of things placed or occurring one after the other.
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