List of 426 Sets of Synonyms - How they Differ - Total of 2307 Words - 397

SYNONYMS: throw, cast, hurl, fling, pitch, toss, sling.
These verbs mean to propel something through the air with a motion of the hand or arm.

Throw is the least specific: throw a ball; threw the life preserver to the struggling swimmer; threw the book on the table.
Cast usually refers to throwing something light: The angler cast her line into the stream.
Hurl and fling mean to throw with great force: He hurled the ball into the sky. The guests were given confetti to fling at the bride and groom.
Pitch often means to throw with careful aim: There is a special basket in my study into which I pitch letters, circulars, and pamphlets.
Toss, in contrast, usually means to throw lightly or casually: She tossed the card away.
Sling stresses force of propulsion: The cook's helper slung the peeled potatoes into a huge enamel pot.

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