List of 426 Sets of Synonyms - How they Differ - Total of 2307 Words - 398

SYNONYMS: tire, weary, fatigue, exhaust, jade.
These verbs mean to cause or undergo depletion of strength, energy, spirit, interest, or patience.

Tire is the general, nonspecific term; it often suggests a state resulting from exertion, excess, dullness, or ennui: Long hours of arduous hiking tired the scouts.
Weary, like tire, is applicable to diminution of strength or endurance but often carries a stronger implication of dissatisfaction, as that resulting from what is irksome or boring: found the journey wearying; soon wearied of their constant bickering.
Fatigue implies great weariness, as that caused by stress: fatigued by the day's labors.
To exhaust is to wear out completely; the term connotes total draining of physical or emotional strength: Like all people who try to exhaust a subject, he exhausted his listeners
Jade . refers principally to dullness that most often results from overindulgence: Even an exquisitely prepared dinner couldn't revive her jaded palate.

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