Ningde Chinese Cities with Over a Million Population
169. Ningde, Fujian - 2,821,996

Ningde's history dates back to the Stamped Pottery Culture System. As early as 10,000 to 20,000 years ago during the late Upper Palaeolithic period of the Stone Age (also known as the Old Stone Age) there were already human beings living and multiplying here. In 282, the Jin Dynasty government established magistrate rule here. Mongol-Manchu

In 1934, an Administration Supervision Zone was set up here under the Republic of China. After 1949, the People's Republic of China established Fu'an Special Administration Zone. Finally in June 1971 the Zone was promoted to Ningde Prefecture.

Situated roughly 300 kilometres (190 mi) north of the Tropic of Cancer, the prefecture of Ningde spans 13,500 square kilometers (5,200 sq mi) in land area. Like the rest of the province, Ningde sits in a mountainous region but it also enjoys almost 200 kilometres (120 mi) of coastline facing the Taiwan Strait and East China Sea.

It is subjected to a humid subtropical climate, with occasional threat of typhoons. Within the prefecture, the mean annual temperature ranges from 13.4 to 20.2 C (56 to 68 F), while mean annual rainfall ranges from 1,250 to 2,350 millimeters (49 to 93 in). The region also enjoys a frost-free period of 235 to 300 days per year, which is highly beneficial for soil agriculture.    City Area Location    Next City ⇨

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Statue of Lu You on Nanji Hill