305 Chinese Cities Over a Million Population Alphabetically - Page 17
Rank City Province/Region Population Level
161 Nanchong Sichuan 6,278,622 Prefecture Level City
162 Nanjing Jiangsu 8,004,680 Sub-Provincial City
163 Nanning Guangxi 6,661,600 Prefecture Level City
164 Nanping Fujian 2,645,549 Prefecture Level City
165 Nantong Jiangsu 7,282,835 Prefecture Level City
166 Nanyang Henan 10,263,006 Prefecture Level City
167 Neijiang Sichuan 3,702,847 Prefecture Level City
168 Ningbo Zhejiang 7,605,700 Sub-Provincial City
169 Ningde Fujian 2,821,996 Prefecture Level City
170 Ordos Inner Mongolia 1,940,653 Prefecture Level City
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