305 Chinese Cities Over a Million Population Alphabetically - Page 9
Rank City Province/Region Population Level
81 Hegang Heilongjiang 1,058,665 Sub-Provincial Level City
82 Heihe Heilongjiang 1,673,898 Sub-Provincial Level City
83 Hengshui Hebei 4,340,773 Prefecture Level City
84 Hengyang Hunan 7,141,462 Prefecture Level City
85 Heyuan Guangdong 3,320,000 Prefecture Level City
86 Heze Shandong 8,287,800 Prefecture Level City
87 Hezhou Guangxi 2,893,500 Prefecture Level City
88 Hinggan Inner Mongolia 1,613,250 League
89 Hohhot Inner Mongolia 2,866,615 Prefecture Level City
90 Hong Kong Special Administration Region 7,055,071 National Central City
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