305 Chinese Cities Over a Million Population Alphabetically - Page 8
Rank City Province/Region Population Level
71 Guyuan Ningxia 1,455,200 Prefecture Level City
72 Haidong Qinghai 1,396,846 Prefecture
73 Haikou Hainan 2,046,189 Prefecture Level City
74 Handan Hebei 9,174,679 Prefecture Level City
75 Hangzhou Zhejiang 8,700,400 Sub-Provincial City
76 Hanzhong Sha'anxi 3,416,196 Prefecture Level City
77 Harbin Heilongjiang 9,873,742 Sub-Provincial City
78 Hebi Henan 1,427,700 Prefecture Level City
79 Hechi Guangxi 3,830,000 Prefecture Level City
80 Hefei Anhui 5,702,466 Prefecture Level City
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