Are Things Getting Better in China? - 1949 to 1985 - Page 12
A College Paper by Paul Noll (1990) K. Disease Control Results

China has made significant improvements in disease control due to the improvements as more hospitals and medical personnel both in the hospitals and in clinics. Notice in this table the improvements in four formally common diseases. The biggest improvements were because of increased emphasis on the delivery of medical care in the rural areas. The Chinese countryside has long suffered from lack of attention and capital resources because much of the resources were spent in the urban areas.

Disease Highest Incidence Year Incidence in 1987 Comparison with Highest Year Incidence in 1988 Comparison with 1987
Measles 9,445,000 105,000 90 times less 95,994 8.51% decrease
Whooping Cough 220,000 60,000 3.7 times less 32,937 44.10% decrease
Diphtheria 152,000 427 356 times less 267 37.47% decrease
Infantile Paralysis 43,000 969 44.4 times less 667 37.17% decrease