Lin Biao - Policies Lin Biao -- Policies of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution - Page 4

As for the bourgeois reactionary academic authorities, we should either criticize them and see, or criticize them and give them work to do, or criticize them and provide them with a proper livlihood. In short, we should criticize their ideology and at the same time give them a way out. To handle this part of the contradiction between ourselves and the enemy in the manner of handling contradictions among the people is beneficial to the consolidation of the dictatorship of the proletariat and to the disintegration of the enemy ranks.

In carrying out the policies of the Party, all units must study their specific conditions. In places where the revolutionary great alliance has not yet been sufficiently consolidated, it is necessary to help the revolutionary masses bring about the revolutionary great alliance in accordance with revolutionary principles and so on the basis of different fields of work, trades and school classes so they become united against the enemy. In units where the work of purifying the class ranks has not yet started or has only just started, it is imperative to grasp the work firmly and to do it well in accordance with the Party's policies.

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