Lin Biao - Policies Lin Biao -- Policies of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution - Page 5

In units where the purification of the class ranks is by large completed, it is necessary to take firm hold of other tasks in keeping with Chairman Mao's instructions concerning the various stages of struggle-criticism-transformation. At the same time, it is necessary to pay close attention to new trends in the class struggle. What if the bad people get unruly again? Chairman Mao has a well-known saying: "thoroughgoing materialists are fearless." If the class enemies stir up trouble again, just arouse the masses and strike them down again.

As the I16-Point Decision indicates, " The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution is a powerful motive force for the development of the social productive forces of our country.

Our country has seen good harvests in agriculture production for years running and there is also a thriving situation in industrial production and science and technology. The enthusiasm of the broad masses of the working people both in revolution and production has soared to unprecedented heights. Many factories, mines and other enterprises have time and again topped their production records, creating all-time highs in production. The technical revolution is making constant progress. The market is flourishing and prices are stable. By the end of 1968 we had redeemed all of the national bonds. Our country is now a socialist country with neither internal nor external debts.

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