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Lin Biao -- Policies of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution - Page 6
"Grasp revolution, promote production" -- this principle is absolutely correct. It correctly explains the relationship between revolution and production, between consciousness and matter, between the superstructure and the economic base and between the relations of production and the productive forces. Chairman Mao always teaches us: "Political work is the life-blood of all economic work." Lenin denounced the opportunists who were opposed to approaching problems politically. "Politics cannot but have precedence over economics. To argue differently means forgetting the A B C of Marxism." Lenis again stated: To put politics on a par with economics also means "forgetting the A B C of Marxism." Politics is the concentrated expression of economics. If we fail to make revolution in the superstructure, fail to arouse the broad masses of the workers and peasants, fail to criticize the revisionist line, fail to expose the handful of renegades, enemy agents, capitalist-roaders in power and counter-revolutionaries and fail to consolidate the leadership of the proletariat, how can we further consolidate the socialist economic base and further develop the socialist productive forces? This is not to replace production by revolution but to use revolution to command production, promote it and lead it forward. ⇦ Back to Page 5 Return to Lin Biao's Speech Choices On to Page 7 ⇨ |