1950 Marriage Law of People's Republic of China - Articles 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 - Page 5

Chapter III - Rights and Duties of Husband and Wife

Article 7
Husband and wife are companions living together and enjoy equal status in the home.
Article 8
Husband and wife are in duty bound to love, respect, assist and look after each other, to live in harmony, to engage in productive work, to care for their children and strive jointly for the welfare of the family and for the building up the new society.
Article 9
Both the husband and wife have the right of free choice of occupation and free participation in work or in social activities.
Article 10
Husband and wife have equal rights in the possession and management of family property.
Article 11
Husband and wife have the right ti use his or her own family name.
Article 12
Husband and wife have the right to inherit each other's property

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