1950 Marriage Law of People's Republic of China - Articles 13, 14, and 15 - Page 6

Chapter IV - Relations Between Parents and Children

Article 13
Parents have the duty to rear and to educate their children; the children have the duty to support and to assist their parents. Neither the parents nor the children shall mistreat or desert one another.
The forgoing provision also applies to foster parents and foster children.
Infanticide by drowning and similar criminal acts are strictly prohibited.
Article 14

Parents and children have the right to inherit one another's property.
Article 15
Children born out of wedlock enjoy the same rights as children born in lawful wedlock. No person is allowed to harm them or discriminate against them.
Where the paternity of a child born out of wedlock is legally established by the mother of the child or by other witnesses or material evidence, the identified father must bear the whole or part of the cost of maintenance and education of the child until the age of 18.
With regard to the maintenance of a child born out of wedlock, if its mother marries, the provision of Article 22 apply.

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