Location of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in China Map of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region

Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region

Translation "Peaceful China"

Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region is the smallest and driest of all China's areas. One-third of the population of 5.3 million is the Hui Minority who are Muslims. Ningxia's Hui minority is exempted from China's on-child policy. They are allowed to have up to three children. The relative longevity of Ningxia's people has attracted attention. One village of 4,000 has six people over the age of 100. Nationally, only six centenarians would be expected in every one million people.

Industries include coal, chemicals, metallurgy, machinery and textiles. It is the second largest producer of calcium carbide, and a large producer of silicon carbide used in airport and highway construction and as an additive in the metallurgy industry. Three thermal plants and one hydroelectric plant allows Ningxia to have the lowest electric rates and the only region with electricity in all its villages.