Palatinate Blue Color

Internet Colors - Set of 1035

Palatinate Blue Color 668 - #273BE2

Palatinate is a colour (a pale shade of violet) associated with the University of Durham (and with Newcastle University Medical School, this being the former medical school of Durham University.) A separate colour, 'Palatinate Blue', is derived from the Coat of Arms of the County of Durham. The name 'Palatinate' in both instances alludes to the historic status of Durham as a County Palatine.

It is likely that the choice of purple as the University's colour relates to the key role played by the Bishop of Durham in the foundation of the University (purple being an episcopal colour), as well as to the unique historical status of Bishops of Durham as Palatine Earls. The following story, recounted in Whiting's history of the University of Durham, purports to explain precisely how this shade of purple came to be adopted as the University colour.

Shown is the University of Durham
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