Palatinate Purple Color

Internet Colors - Set of 1035

Palatinate Purple Color 669 - #682860

Palatinate is a colour (a pale shade of violet) associated with the University of Durham (and with Newcastle University Medical School, this being the former medical school of Durham University.) A separate colour, 'Palatinate Blue', is derived from the Coat of Arms of the County of Durham. The name 'Palatinate' in both instances alludes to the historic status of Durham as a County Palatine.

The following data are somewhat open to question; in particular, the precise colour of Palatinate purple used by the University varies a good deal. Its most long-established usage is in the University's academic dress and sporting colours, both of which use a significantly paler shade than that specified below. Palatinate purple: Pantone number is 266. Palatinate blue: closest Pantone number is 2728.

Shown is the color of Palatinate Purple
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