Carl Hughes and the 581st Signal Radio Relay Company - Page 6

Off to Korea

He was right. It would be a long time before we saw a meal that good. We then boarded landing-type ships for the landing at Inchon, Korea. I remember the night before the landing because it was the day before my twentieth birthday September the fifteenth. I stood on the side of the of the ship and listened to possibly the USS New Jersey pound the devil out of something way off in the distance. One of my thoughts was what the hell am I doing here.

We Land in Korea

The next day we landed at Wolomi Do and walked across a causeway to a soccer field in Inchon. It was an uneventful landing for me, but obviously the Marines and I think the Seventh Infantry Division, didn't think so. The people were waiving small American flags as we entered the town. This was more than exciting to see and experience. It was thrilling! We set up pup tents on a soccer field and stayed there for a day or two at the most. In the book MacArthur, The American Emperor, there was a story about dozers burying North Korean soldiers who wouldn't come out of their bunker. This was within sight of the soccer field where we were staying.