Step Twelve, Let jars cool and check seals

12 Steps to Canning Corn

Step 12, Let jars cool and check seals

Using the jar lifter to avoid being burned, lift each jar and set them on the newspapers to cool. Jars should be set at least an inch apart. Do not tighten lids at this time. When the cooker is empty, turn on the heat, fill the cooker and start the next batch of 7. If you have less than seven at the end, no problem put in what you have.

When they have cooled (next day) we remove the rings and wash in warm soapy water. After setting out to dry we mark the year on the lid, and place them into a cool storage place. Failure to remove rings can make it very difficult to remove the rings at a later date. We can enough of any item for 2-3 years.

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