Napoleon Bonaparte Some Common Myths Thought to be True - Page 2
16. Napoleon Bonaparte was Short - "The Little Corporal" Myth Exposed
17. Benito Mussolini Makes the "Trains Run on Time" Myth Exposed
18. Danish Jews Had to Wear the "Yellow Star" Myth Exposed
19. Albert Einstein fails Mathematics in School Myth Exposed
20. Sushi always Contains Fish Myth Exposed
21. Searing Meat is used to "seal in" Moisture Myth Exposed
22. Cooking with Wine is Non-alcoholic after Cooking Myth Exposed
23. Santa Claus Image comes from Coca-Cola Ad Myth Exposed
24. MSG Triggers Migraine Headaches Myth Exposed
25. Sushi means "Raw Fish" Myth Exposed
26. Metal inside of a Microwave Oven Damages It Myth Exposed
27. Microwave Ovens Heat from the inside-out Myth Exposed
28. Fortune Cookies Originated in China Myth Exposed
29. Irregardless is not a "real word" Myth Exposed
30. Rule of Thumb Origin from "Beating Your Wife" Myth Exposed
Napoleon Bonaparte
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