More of Noll's Favorite Collection of pithy Thoughts -- Page 3
  1. If it goes in one ear and out the mouth - it's gossip.
  2. The person who stands neutral - Usually stands for nothing.
  3. Raising children can be as rewarding as trying to nail a poached egg to a tree.
  4. Before your give someone a piece of your mind - make sure you can spare it.
  5. It's temper that gets most of us into trouble and pride that keeps us there.
  6. Of all living creatures - humans are the only ones who pray - or need to.
  7. Folks who must always speak the truth overlook another good choice - silence.
  8. The man who'll meet you halfway usually thinks he's standing on the dividing line.
  9. Loneliness is something you can't walk away from.
  10. If a man says it's a silly childish game - it's usually something his wife can beat him.
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