More of Noll's Favorite Collection of pithy Thoughts -- Page 2
  1. Facts do not cease to exist simply because they are ignored.
  2. The happy man can enjoy the scenery - even when he has to take a detour.
  3. The trouble with doing nothing is that you can't stop to take a rest.
  4. A bore is someone who talks when you want them to listen.
  5. The early bird is a creature that catches the worm and is welcome to it.
  6. You have reached middle age when weight lifting consists of just standing up.
  7. It will be an interesting world when everybody has assertiveness training.
  8. Some people are like blisters - they don't show up until the work is done.
  9. Footprints in the sands of time are never made sitting down.
  10. Practice makes perfect - so be careful what you practice.
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