More of Noll's Favorite Collection of pithy Thoughts -- Page 8
  1. People who jump to conclusions generally leap over facts.
  2. It takes some folks a long time to tell you they have nothing to say.
  3. Swallow your pride occasionally - it's nonfattening.
  4. If we defend our habits we have no intention of quitting them.
  5. Even if you are on the right track - you might get run over if you just sit there.
  6. Be careful not to strut your humility.
  7. You can't climb the ladder to success with your hands in your pocket.
  8. Tact is the art of building a fire under people without making their blood boil.
  9. Stupidity won't kill you - but it can make you sweat.
  10. He couldn't find his way out a one-room house.
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