More of Noll's Favorite Collection of pithy Thoughts -- Page 14
  1. The old law about "an eye for an eye" could leave everybody blind.
  2. You know you are getting older when the happy hour is a nap.
  3. The world is a big ball that revolves on its taxes.
  4. A fishing enthusiastic thinks a fish should bite on a fancy lure just because he did.
  5. A good teacher is one who drives the students to think.
  6. Patriotism is not so much protecting the land of our fathers as preserving the land of our children.
  7. Work for the Lord. The pay isn't much but the retirement plan is out of this world.
  8. When a man has a "pet peeve," it's amazing how much he pets it.
  9. Never lie in bed asking yourself questions you can't answer.
  10. The sins of the stomach are visited on the body.
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