Diet Coke

Paul and Bernice Noll's - 100 Worthless Facts - Page 4

You Can Observe a Lot by Just Watching - Yogi Berra

  1. A can of Diet Coke floats on water, but a can of regular Coke sinks.
  2. In China, the day a baby is born it is considered one year old.
  3. That sound you hear in the seashell is the echo of blood pulsing in your ear.
  4. Dolphins have bigger brains than Humans.
  5. The National Safety Council reports that the object most often choked on is the toothpick.
  6. Female armadillos have exactly four babies at a time and they are always the same sex.
  7. A female elephant can be pregnant for almost two years.
  8. Ping pong is the national sport of China.
  9. Leonardo Da Vinci could draw with one hand and write with the other at the same time.
  10. On average the life span of an American dollar bill is eighteen months.
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A Can Diet Coke