Baseball Paul and Bernice Noll's - 100 Worthless Facts - Page 12
I knew I was going to take the wrong train so I left early. - Yogi Berra

  1. The average life span of a major league baseball is 5-7 pitches!
  2. There is a basketball court on the top floor of the U.S. Supreme Court Building. It's known as the "highest court in the land." The basketball court, on the top floor of the 1935 marble building, wasn't planned for gym rats. The original use was attic storage for the law library and extra chairs, tables and files. But sometime in the 1940s, the justices converted it into a gym, with a weight room and basketball court with standards on each end of the concrete floor.
  3. France is the country with the most time zones in the world. France uses 12 different time zones, the most of any country in the world.
  4. A cubic inch of bone is about four times as strong as concrete. In fact, for size all bones are much stronger thatn concrete. About 8 times. They're flexible, lightweight and super hard. Yet will break if a lot of force is given. A thigh bone can withstand about a ton of stress before snapping. This depends on a person's health. The lower joint of a femur, pretty much impossible to break with a hammer, yet hollow bones will break with a brick, slab of concrete or a hammer.
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