Where There is a Will There is a Way - Scene 12

The Will to Survive - Scene 12

Where There is a Will There is a Way

If you would venture on this tree from the other side you would see an ordinary tree. Nothing special you might say. But if you view this tree from this side it's another story. Hard times, a difficult path to success hidden to anyone from the other side. This tree had to steadily climb the wall. It had to secure itself steadfastly to the wall face from time to time so it wouldn't fall. It most likely took a long time but it persevered to its final achievement of at stable tree. Acknowledge that not all trees in this situation succeeded.

Some success stories are well known of people arriving a greatness occur in the press. Abraham Lincoln, Henry Ford, and Mark Twain fall into this category. But a great deal of others achieved great success without any fanfare of their humble beginnings. Others never rise above their humble beginnings and blame that for their lack of success.

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