5000 Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 293
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
jail noun The thief was put into the jail. prison
jam noun Strawberry jam is good on toast. preserves
noun We were caught in a traffic jam. stoppage
verb People were jammed in a small room. packed
January noun He was born the first of January. first month
Japan noun Japan is an industrial nation. country name
Japanese adj. Japanese cameras are considered good. from Japan
noun The Japanese are hard working people. Japan person
jar noun We bought a jar of honey for breakfast. glass container
jaw noun The man hit him on the jaw. lower part face
jazz noun We listened to jazz on the radio. type of music
jealous adj. She was a very jealous woman. envious
jealousy noun Jealousy can wreck a marriage. suspicion