5000 Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 515
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
shortcut noun A shortcut will get you there sooner. more direct route
shortly adv. I will be with you shortly. quickly
shorthand noun She used shorthand to speed her writing. symbols
shot noun We heard a shot and then a scream. sharp noise
noun We will give you a shot at the job. chance
should verb You should send her a note. are obligated to
verb They should arrive at noon. are expected to
verb If he should go, then so would I. shows contingency
verb I should think he would go. moderate bluntness
shoulder noun The shoulder of the road was muddy. edge
verb I shouldered my way through the crowd. shoved
shout noun We heard a shout and a scream. yell
verb She shouted at the bus conductor. hollered