305 Chinese Cities Over a Million Population Alphabetically - Page 7
Rank City Province/Region Population Level
61 Fuzhou Fujian 7,115,370 Prefecture Level City
62 Fuzhou Jiangxi 3,912,312 Prefecture Level City
63 Ganzhou Jiangxi 8,368,440 Prefecture Level City
64 Garzé Sichuan 1,091,872 Autonomous Prefecture
65 Guang'an Sichuan 3,205,476 Prefecture Level City
66 Guangyuan Sichuan 2,484,125 Prefecture Level City
67 Guangzhou Guangdong 12,700,800 Sub-Provincial City
68 Guigang Guangxi 4,118,800 Prefecture Level City
69 Guilin Guangxi 8,081,900 Prefecture Level City
70 Guiyang Guizhou 4,324,561 Prefecture Level City
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