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Paul Noll Joins the US Army
25. Paul Goes Home for Christmas after Korea I left Korea after two years and arrived at Fort Ord on December 24th. I was granted a pass to go home for three days. Having no way to get home to Monterey Park, some 300 miles away, my Uncle John drove up to drive me home. It was wonderful to be home after so long away in the safety and comfort of my Mother's house. I was very nervous and it took some time to get back to normal. I remember once while my mother was driving and a car backfired I immediately dove to the floor of the car. After the roads in Korea and never driving fast my Mother had to keep reminding me to go a little faster than 20 MPH. I have no idea what outfit I was in (Co. 4 of the 6230 RC). ⇦ Back to Scene 24 Return to Page 4 On to Scene 26 ⇨ |