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Richmond Relay - 1969-70
28. Newly Cobble-stone Site Road
During the summer of 1969 the Army hired a contractor to make improvements on the Richmond Road Runners infamous road. Its intent was to improve the road by grading, draining, cobble stoning and applying other engineering practices. The result was improvements of the good sections and the worsening of the bad sections. One part of the road up near the top and on a steep ridge was cobble stoned. It resulted in what we called the Ski Jump because it was too slippery for even trucks with chains. At the end was a hair pin turn that the truck could not make and would fly over the cliff like a skier. Broken Knuckle, Dead man and the Crash Site. One week we lost 8 vehicles due to crashes or breakdowns and the motor pool sergeant did not want to issue us anymore until the C.O. told him to supply a vehicle. We were using 5/4 ton linemen trucks from the phone section at K-6 Camp Humphries. Some other nicknames I recall were Shady Lane, Mud Hole, Broken Knuckle, Dead man and the Crash Site. ⇦ Back to Page 27 Return to Page 4 On to Page 29 ⇨ |