Richmond Relay Station Richmond Relay - 1969-70 54. Sandbag Party at Ammo Bunker

Another site chore we did and did not hire Koreans to do for us was to fill sand bags to protect the ammo bunker and improve the defensive positions on site. I had a lot of on the job training while I was stationed at Richmond Site so I knew how to do the work. I just didn't know that I would be making a career out of it. Putting the experience on a resume back in the states didn't seem to mean much either and sure did not get me a job!

The site did need the defense bunkers and other sand bag areas re-done and updated as they were in need of repair. Bobby L. Cole (right), myself and Larry Beavers (rear) spent many hours filling and stacking sand bags. The other guys Paul Booker, Bill Bookeloo and Quentin McElwee also sent time in the sand pile too.

During the winter when temperatures were very cold we would park the vehicles next to the exhaust from the generators to help keep them somewhat warm. We would also have to heat the vehicle oil pan and engine crank case with a blow torch ever half hour or so to keep the oil viscous enough to be able to turn the engine over and start the motor.

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