Geritol Nuns and Kids - God Loves Them Both - Page 2
God through the Eyes of Kids

A Nun Grading Papers.....

  1. Moses died before he ever reached Canada. Then Joshua led the Hebrews in the battle of Geritol.
  2. Moses led the Jews to the red sea where they made unleavened bread which is bread without any ingredients.
  3. The Egyptians were all drowned in the dessert. Afterwards, Moses went up to Mount Cyanide to get the ten commandments.
  4. The first commandment was when Eve told Adam to eat the apple.
  5. The seventh commandment is thou shalt not admit adultery.
  6. The greatest miracle in the bible is when Joshua told his son to stand still and he obeyed him.
  7. David was a Hebrew king who was skilled at playing the liar. He fought the Finkelsteins, a race of people who lived in biblical times.
  8. Solomon, one of David's sons, had 300 wives and 700 porcupines.
  9. When Mary heard she was the mother of Jesus, she sang the Magna Carta.
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