The Traffic light Says Go

Some Unfortunate True laws of the Nature of Things age 9

  1. When you're not in a hurry, the traffic light will turn green as soon as your vehicle comes to a complete stop.
  2. Asking dumb questions is easier than correcting dumb mistakes.
  3. A mediocre player will sink to the level of his or her opposition.
  4. When working on a project, if you put away a tool that you're certain you're finished with, you will need it instantly.
  5. Law of Gifts: You get the most of what you need the least.
  6. Everyone wants to be noticed but no one wants to be stared at.
  7. Once a dish is fouled up, anything added to save it only makes it worse.
  8. If everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.
  9. Nothing looks as good close up as it does from far away.
  10. Whatever hits the fan will not be evenly distributed.
  11. No matter how often the lie is shown to be false, there will still remain a percentage of people who believe it true.
  12. The first place to look for anything is the last place you would expect to find it.
  13. 1. Important mail arrives late. 2. Junk mail arrives the day it was sent.
  14. Exceptions always outnumber rules.
The Traffic light Says Go
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